coach & speaker
Sahar Mansoor Shah
Owner, Cleveland Masala
"Working with Pat in a group setting, I've had tremendous breakthroughs! By being open, receptive, and conscious of my energy, I find myself more & more in alignment with my work. I am manifesting opportunities and creating sources of income where I didn't see any before. I am connecting with potential clients, meeting them where they are, and improvising to fit their needs."
Erin Loman Jeck , CEO of Transformational Speakers Agency
“Pat Schultz is a dynamic speaker who communicates her thought-provoking ideas with passion and clarity. She is not just knowledgeable about the topics she speaks on but she knows how to add a good dose of humor to the mix. Pat is a talented speaker and she truly cares about her audiences.”
Rosie George
Financial Advisor
"The most powerful lesson learned from Pat was the elimination of fear, especially the fear of rejection. With new confidence, I was able to attract more valuable clients with larger dollar financial assets than ever before. I've been able to maintain this attitude of confidence because my self-awareness has been cultivated to the point that I immediately recognize when I need to shift my mindset."
Brian Pritchard
Business Development Manager
outRise Travel Community
"What an incredible asset to my personal, professional, social, and family life Pat has been. I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to jump on board with her and let her propel you toward your most successful possible future!"
Elisabeth Pol
Web Developer at eLUX Media
"Pat, thank you for leading the mastermind group. I joined because I wanted to surround myself with like-minded people and discuss ideas. I got just that and so much more! Discussing things about money, the way we think and why always caught my interest. I'm one who thinks a lot about life and business ideas, so it was so nice to be able to discuss them with you and everyone else in our group. I gained so much more confidence and how to always stay positive in such low or negative points in business. You are very knowledgeable in what you teach. These sessions were priceless."
Gary Mincer
Broadcast Digital Growth
"Pat helped me get clarity on what I really wanted to do and gave me the support I needed to “go for it.” Her powerful goal setting and scripting techniques kept me focused. Her encouragement guided me to create a business that I love and in less than 9 months, my company got up and running with many good clients. I give a tremendous amount of credit to Pat’s support and coaching. She is terrific! "
Carolyn Alaburda
Product Development Manager at Arteza
"Pat is a transformational speaker and coach that presented on techniques for "Living Your Dreams." She presented a simple 4-point action plan to apply to your own situation. We spoke and I took her advice and practiced the techniques she recommended and amazingly a goal that I had been trying to achieve came to fruition within two months. Her advice and coaching were definitely part of the reason that it did come true."
Jen Jones Donatelli
Author, Journalist, Freelance Managing Editor
"The first time I watched Pat speak at a local networking group, I knew I wanted to ask her to make the same presentation to the networking group that I run. Pat has a natural knack for drawing people in and empowering them to explore their deepest desires and goals in a way that inspires action. Truly a worthwhile talk, and I'd watch it again even after having seen it twice!"